SPUN Pickup Ultimate
Contact: John Skarha
https://www.facebook.com/SPUNultimatePickupUltimateGroupSundays: 2:00pm game time
Fields: Grass
Description: Scottdale Park Ultimate Nuts (SPUN) hosts a pick-up game at Scottdale Park in Wheaton, Illinois (Western suburb of Chicago).
Scottdale Park is at 1855 Scottdale Court in Wheaton. http://www.tinyurl.com/SPUNultimatefield/
We play at the field on the west side of the park.
It's a friendly co-ed game for beginning through elite level players. Everyone is welcome. Rubber-soled cleats are allowed and please bring a light and a dark shirt. Park No Pets Policy: Please leave your pets at home. And come play Ultimate! "Once you play SPUN, there is this one fact. Our players may go, but they always come back!"
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