Mondays: 5:30 - 7:30 pm (Daylight Savings Time only!) Thursdays: 5:30 - 7:30 pm (Daylight Savings Time only!)
Fields: Grass Description: Casual Ultimate pickup group at Mueller.
All skill levels welcome.
Field is at Marshall Middle School. If for whatever reason that field doesn't work out, Plan B will be at Mueller Lake Park. Check the Facebook group linked below for updates.
We'll toss the disc to warm up until we reach the critical mass of 6+ players.
Play goes until it gets dark or until we get tired, whichever comes first. Usually this occurs around 7-7:30 pm.
- water - disc(s) - if possible two shirts (one light-colored, one dark-colored).
We have cones, but feel free to bring your own just in case.
There's a Facebook group where we post updates and go/no-go status for each week: