Taipei Pickup
Contact: Taipei Ultimate Frisbee
Website: 20:00-22:00
Wednesdays: 20:00-22:00
Fields: Grass
Description: Join the "Taipei Ultimate Frisbee" Facebook group chat for the latest updates. Our regular pickup games are held at Beimen (occasionally changed to Bailing) every Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. However, games often continue until midnight for those eager to play longer, and you're free to leave whenever you like since it's a pickup game.
While the scheduled time is 8:00 PM, people typically start gathering around 8:30 PM. Feel free to arrive at 8:00 PM to warm up and toss the disc. We usually have 20-40 participants, with most players having years of frisbee experience. Newbies are always welcome!
Please note that there is no nearby water refill station, but there is a vending machine that accepts coins and EasyCard. The lighting on the field is not optimal, so avoid wearing light colors such as bright orange, yellow, or grey, as it can be confusing in that setting. We recommend wearing white or black to easily divide into teams.
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