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APL Ultimate - Monday

Contact: Brian Hull
Website: https://goo.gl/JhyHL5

Mondays: 5 PM - 7 PM

Fields: Grass
Description: Update 4/9/2024: Currently at the Middle School fields (youth football has the library fields booked). Subscribe to the email list for announcements about field locations and weather cancellations.

Game Notes: All skill levels (inexperienced to veteran) and ages (including kids) are welcome. The game is free. The library adjacent to the fields has toilets. The JHU-APL field has portable toilets.

Field Location A:
Lake Elkhorn Middle School. Fields closest to the library.
6680 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045

Field Location B:
Fields behind the East Columbia Library. There are 3 fields (upper, middle, and lower). We're usually at the lower field.
6600 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045

Field Location C:
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL) Softball Field
Approximate street address: 7243 Sanner Rd Clarksville, MD 21029 (Use the APL Shipping & Receiving entrance)
39.17404818365987, -76.8982428906836

Our games start as soon as we have enough people to start playing. If you don't see anyone at 5:00, wait a minute or two. Bring a white and a dark colored shirt and a water bottle.

2024 Season: Starting Date 4/8. We'll play until November.

Email bwhull at yahoo dot com for questions.

To join the Google Group email list go to https://groups.google.com/g/apl-ultimate/members. We use the Google Group to post messages about start/end date, game location updates, game status, holiday cancellations, general announcements, and weather updates.

Game Info: https://goo.gl/JhyHL5

Disclaimer: The game is not affiliated with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL). Everyone is welcome.


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