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Coogee Beach Sunday Pickup

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coogeedisc/

Sundays: 2:30pm (winter) to 5:30pm (summer), check facebook page or email list.

Fields: Beach
Description: We're taking the coronavirus situation seriously, check on facebook when games are on or will return.

Sunday afternoon pickup ultimate on the sand at the north end of Coogee Beach. That's between the volleyball nets and the line of boats. Look for flying discs and bear with us if it takes a little while for everyone to turn up and for us to find a big enough spot for a real game.

Players at all levels are welcome to join us for a game, and Coogee is a lovely place on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

We move the start time to give us 2 hours before sunset, which is also when the beach starts to empty out. That means beginning at 2:30 in winter or 5:30 in summer with the daylight saving adjustment.


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