Encinal Ultimate (Played at Cubberley CC)
Contact: Ryan Spratt
Mailing List:
https://groups.google.com/g/encinal-ultimateMondays: 12:45-1:15 (Start time)
Wednesdays: 12:45-1:15 (Start time)
Fridays: 12:45:15 (Start time)
Fields: Grass / Turf (if grass is wet)
Description: This is a very consistent semi-competitive pick up Ultimate game that has been running since 1993. We play every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Cubberley Community Center Field barring really lousy weather. The game is well attended and almost always has 7 on 7 with subs. Occasionally we need to set up two fields to accommodate attendance.
The start time can fluctuate significantly depending on the time of year but generally ranges from 12:45-1:15 and is driven by player attendance. We generally start when we have a 4 on 4 minimum quorum.
Sign up to the mailing list if you want occasional field shift updates, timing or ultimate related discussions. A weekly headcount is not required so emails are on an as needed basis.
All players are reminded to respect the Official Rules of Ultimate. "Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of mutual respect among competitors, adherence to the agreed upon rules, or the basic joy of play"
** Cubberley grass closes seasonally for maintenance in December/January and we typically move to Mitchell Park a couple streets away during this time unless it's been particularly wet in which case we play on Cubberley's turf field.
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