Grant Park Ultimate
Website: List: 3:00 pm (or later)
Wednesdays: 7:30 pm (if confirmed via. e-mail))
Fields: Grass
Description: Sunday game locations are selected upon availability as many Atlanta fields are on a first-come first-served basis. In order of preference:
Boulevard Crossing Upper Field
Boulevard Crossing Lower Field
Chosewood Park
Phoenix Park II
Wednesday games are played at Harwell Heights Field, a lighted field
Winter Schedule
Sunday Ultimate: Weekly - Sundays at 3PM
Wednesday Goalty: Weekly - Wednesdays at 7:30 PM @ Harwell Heights
Spring Schedule
Sunday Ultimate: Weekly - Sundays at 4PM
Wednesday Goalty: Weekly - Wednesdays at 7:30 PM @ Harwell Heights
Summer Schedule
Sunday Ultimate: Weekly - Sundays at 5-5:30 PM
Wednesday Goalty: Weekly - Wednesdays at 7:30 PM @ Harwell Heights
Fall Schedule
Sunday Ultimate: Weekly - Sundays at 4 PM
Wednesday Goalty: Weekly - Wednesdays at 7:30 PM @ Harwell Heights
* Please check the email list for last-minute changes to start times and headcounts*
To confirm start times or for more info:
Email list -
FB -
updated on 06/01/2017