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Berkeley Saturday

Contact: Nathanael
Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/g/VeritasFrisbee

Saturdays: 10:00 am

Fields: Grass
Description: Sign up to the google group for weekly emails and last minute relocation info here. https://groups.google.com/g/VeritasFrisbee

This is a strong game with good numbers - happens reliably. We welcome all skill levels. No special equipment needed, but cleats, along with a dark and light shirt, are helpful. Yes, bring a friend!

In this game we have free substitution for women at all times: Because it's hard to match up by gender with last-back substitution, women can sub in on any point. Women always beat men on last back and women can come in on the side that just scored as well - if there's a women on the other side men should ask if any women want to step on before pulling.

When: Saturdays at 10 am

Where: MLK Middle School field - check the field in the track on Hopkins first, then the baseball field up the hill toward Rose.
Why: Peace, love, and frisbees
See you there!


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