O'RUF Ultimate (Oregon Ridge Ultimate Frisbee)
Contact: Patrick Marquez
https://www.facebook.com/groups/18448096622/Mailing List:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/18448096622/Tuesdays: 6 pm to dark
Fields: Grass
Description: Pickup ultimate in Hunt Valley, Maryland since 1998. We play every Tuesday (6 pm to dark) from the start of Daylight Savings Time (March) to end of Daylight Savings Time (October/November). It’s a casual pickup game with many skill levels, from players who have traveled to tournaments, to beginners who have never played. No one will yell at you if you drop the disc. Everyone is really friendly and helps out newcomers. We line up 7 on 7, but don’t keep score. “Last back” when subbing in and out.
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