0° - Zero Degrees Ultimate
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1576202395968776/Sundays: 11 am
Wednesdays: 18:15 - Dark (Game moves to Charlton Park in the winter months throwing from 6:30, game starts no later than 7, see description and check Facebook group for event times)
Fields: Grass
Description: We are an Ultimate Frisbee group playing pick up games in Greenwich, Southeast London
Zero Degrees - The First Frisbee Team in the World!
We play every Sunday throughout the year at Royal Greenwich Park, between the Queen's House and the Royal Observatory. Meet-ups are currently from 11:00am, but check the event page for exact times (which can change from time to time based on popular demand). Absolutely anyone is welcome to come and play with us, please sign up on the event page to confirm you are coming.
Games are located between the Royal Observatory and the Queen's House on the Prime Meridian:
In season (roughly April to October), we also play on Wednesday evenings in Greenwich Park from 18:15ish till it gets dark (or until the call of the pub can be resisted no more). Absolutely anyone is welcome to come and play with us, please sign up on the event page to confirm you are coming.
On Wednesday evenings in the winter 'off-season' we often play up the road at the lighted fields in Charlton Park. As there is a charge to book the lighted fields, we ask players to chip in £5 each for playing on Winter Wednesdays (however, first-timers to our game at Charlton Park are free). Check the group for event postings.
Events are posted in the facebook group where you can confirm times, etc: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1576202395968776/
Last Updated: 14th December 2019
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