Tuesday Night Ultimate
Contact: Joel
https://www.facebook.com/centralcoastultimate/Mailing List:
http://groups.google.com/group/slo-ultimateTuesdays: 6:00p - 8:30pm
Cost: $50/year, $15/season, $5 drop-in
Fields: Grass
Description: All skill levels welcome, games are high intensity but friendly with usually several club (or ex-club) players. There are usually plenty of subs and we typically play for 2 1/2 hours ish. Most people show up around 6pm to warm up, play starts promptly at 6:30pm.
Our pickup seasons run for 12-14 weeks Fall, Spring, and Winter with league play during the Summer (mid June through early September).If there is rain, look for an email or on Facebook for alternate field location.
We typically start Summer League around mid June and go until early September. League registration is REQUIRED ahead of time. Games are played in SLO, usually starting at Cal Poly Sports Complex and ending up at Damon Garcia. Details are always posted on GroupMe.
We have decided to become more official with our local pickup games and seek out insurance to help cover our liability and improve our safety. Costs will go towards the insurance policy, CPR certification and first aid supplies, and any overage can be used for ultimate events, discs, etc.
To register for pickup ultimate and goaltimate in SLO County, please do the following:
1. Complete the waiver of liability (available at the field or https://drive.google.com/file/d/190-oZRK3-YFqUgrFOpCSY_hrNissVFl1/view?usp=sharing)
2. Make payment to Joel via venmo @joel-conn to cover our insurance and misc costs:
-$50 for the entire year
-$15 for a season
-$15 "out-of-towner" annual fee
-$5 for drop-in play
-First few games will be free to new players so please bring friends!
3. This registration will cover: SLO Mon/Wed/Thu/Fri lunch goaltimate, SLO Tuesday night ultimate, SLO Saturday morning ultimate, Sunday beach goaltimate, and any Central Coast Ultimate sanctioned leagues and tournaments.
You can join the mailing list at https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/slo-ultimate
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