Ultimate Pickup in Santa Clarita
Contact: Lance iliev
Phone: 661.755.0231
https://m.facebook.com/groups/UltimatePickupGamesInSantaClarita/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBTTuesdays: 8 PM - Lights out
Saturdays: 7 AM - 9 AM ish
Cost: Tuesday $8 (Adult 18+), Saturday free
Fields: Grass
Description: Ultimate in Santa Clarita, CA
At Central Park.
Bring a white, black, and colored jersey to join.
Saturday mornings are free to all, and all ages are encouraged to play (we have some good youth players).
Saturday morning games are usually on MP field 13/14, back by the stairs.
We sometimes start playing before 7 AM.
If you don't see us by 7:30 AM, check the other fields.
Tuesday evenings currently at 8 pm until lights out.
The Tuesday game is currently the on MP field 1, which is by the softball fields, the first one when you enter the park.
Tuesdays are $3 to join, paid to the city.
We regularly get 7v7, sometimes splitting into 2 teams when we get over 18 (sometimes even 2 games).
Regiater and pay the City of Santa Clarita at the link below. Look for Ultimate under the Drop-in section, or search for it in the search bar on the left.
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