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Patterson Park Anarcho-Ultimate

Contact: Alan Meeker
Phone: 410.790.7354

Thursdays: 5:00 PM EST
Saturdays: 11:00 AM EST

Cost: free
Fields: Outdoor/Grass - cones, unlined
Description: (Last updated: October 2022)

COVID POLICIES: As of October, 2022 there are no specific mandates or restrictions for our game. Most of our players are fully vaccinated and boosted. We do not require proof of vaccination or masking. Please note that the policy may change abruptly if warranted by changing conditions.

A co-ed group where all levels of ability and experience are welcome!

Our game is casual (thus the name). Usually 7 v 7 with subs. 10 second stall count. Forces, stacks and zone D occasionally make an appearance. Last back substitution allowed on non-scoring team each point. Our main goal is to HAVE FUN.

We play all year round, unless conditions are deemed too brutal. Snow games are some of the most fun!

The games are currently:

Thursdays 5:00 PM- Dark. NOTE: Thurs. games cease for the season with DST - last Thurs. game for 2022 will be on Nov. 03.

Saturdays 11:00 AM - approx. 3:00 PM

Please e-mail me with any questions or to get on the e-mail reminder list, or check us out on Facebook and request to join there:




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Very Casual Roosevelt

Contact: Aaron

Tuesdays: 6pm-7:30pm

Fields: Grass
Description: Ultimate Frisbee - Tuesdays 6pm - Roosevelt Park

This is an all-inclusive weekly pickup game. We've relaxed a few of the rules so that we can accommodate all skill levels (no stall count, no O/B.) Top priorities are fun, exercise, and camaraderie, but every game has its fair share of great offensive and defensive plays.

Email Aaron if you'd like to be added to the Google email list. An email goes out every Friday or Monday so that we can confirm we have enough players. We typically require eight players before calling GAME ON, but the more the merrier.

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Roosevelt Park Saturday Ultimate

Contact: Z Smith
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hampdenultimate
Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/g/twoconeultimate/c/zjjuLhw56EA

Saturdays: 2:30pm

Fields: grass
Description: FUN ULTIMATE GAME with a wide variety of ages and levels, this has morphed out of the two-cone game but is now regular ultimate for the masses :) Lots of cross over from the Sunday Game

We take a poll each week and if it reaches 8 folks, GAME ON - so please join the mailing list to be part of the poll. We call the game OFF if we don't reach 8 by 11 am Saturday morning.

Bring a white shirt, dark shirt, water, and a friend! Please no gray shirts. We play with end zones, stall counts, and have some concept of stacking.

Happy to teach new folks about the game, so come and join!

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Roosevelt Park Sunday Ultimate

Contact: Kevin Kostic
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/521681384655749/
Mailing List:

Sundays: 4pm with daylight savings in spring/summer and 2:30pm in fall/winter

Fields: Grass
Description: It's a fun Sunday game in Baltimore! We get a good mix of skills, from experienced to new players. Bring a white and a dark shirt, cleats and water.

Be sure to visit our Facebook page before you come to make sure there aren't any last minute cancelations.


See you there!

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Ultimate Pickup in Catonsville

Contact: Adrian

Tuesdays: 7-9PM
Wednesdays: 7-9PM

Fields: Turf
Description: Hello! We are a group of Chinese folks mostly at begineer level. Anyone is welcome to join. If you use WeChat feel free to email me to enter the group and I'll response within a couple hours.

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Linthicum Md Lunchtime pickup

Contact: Brian Konigsburg
Phone: 512.338.4452

Mondays: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Thursdays: 12:00pm-1:00pm

Fields: Grass football field
Description: Wide variety of ages and skills. Very novice friendly, very non-contact yet reasonably competitive! 15 minute warm-up, 25minutes of non-scoring play and 20 minutes of game to 5. Bring white and non-white/non-gray shirt. We try to divide up teams to be as even as possible with similar skill match-ups. Limit of 7 on each team for any point and first 7 on the line substitution.

E-mail list confirms enough for a game. Contact Brian Konigsburg to be added to the distribution. Play all year round.

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Men's Pikesville Pickup Ultimate - Sunday 9AM - Winter - Outdoor Turf Location

Contact: Harry Rudo
Website: http://www.pikesvilleultimate.com
Mailing List:

Sundays: 9am

Cost: $10/season
Fields: Pikesville High School Turf Field
Description: Games take place Sundays at 9am at the turf field at the Pikesville High School Stadium. The field is easily accessed from Labyrinth Road.

Games are played between 5 on 5 and 7 on 7 usually with one sub.

We welcome all skills levels from skilled players to complete beginners.

Come on out and play! New Players are always welcome!

* Please note that this is a men's only game.

Contact Harry Rudo at hprudoATcomcast.net for game information.

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Men's Pikesville Pickup Ultimate - Sunday 9AM - Spring/Summer/Fall - Outdoor Grass Location

Contact: Harry Rudo
Website: http://www.pikesvilleultimate.com
Mailing List:

Sundays: 9am

Cost: $10/season
Fields: Grass
Description: Games take place Sundays at 9am at our outdoor location at Pikesville Middle School in Baltimore, MD. The field is easily accessed from the school's rear parking lot.

Games are played between 5 on 5 and 7 on 7 usually with one sub.

We welcome all skills levels from skilled players to complete beginners.

Come on out and play! New Players are always welcome!

* Please note that this is a men's only game.

Contact Harry Rudo at hprudoATcomcast.net for game information.

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O'RUF Ultimate (Oregon Ridge Ultimate Frisbee)

Contact: Patrick Marquez
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/18448096622/
Mailing List: https://www.facebook.com/groups/18448096622/

Tuesdays: 6 pm to dark

Fields: Grass
Description: Pickup ultimate in Hunt Valley, Maryland since 1998. We play every Tuesday (6 pm to dark) from the start of Daylight Savings Time (March) to end of Daylight Savings Time (October/November). It’s a casual pickup game with many skill levels, from players who have traveled to tournaments, to beginners who have never played. No one will yell at you if you drop the disc. Everyone is really friendly and helps out newcomers. We line up 7 on 7, but don’t keep score. “Last back” when subbing in and out.

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Columbia MD Pickup

Contact: Columbia MD Pickup Ultimate
Website: http://groups.google.com/group/columbia-ultimate
Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/columbia-ultimate

Tuesdays: 5:30pm
Thursdays: 5:30pm

Fields: Grass
Description: Trying New location Map Updated


Ultimate Frisbee Playing in Howard County Maryland. We play from early March to mid November regardless of weather forecast, temperature, or precipitation state (except for lightning). We welcome all skills levels from skilled players to complete beginners and we are happy to show you how to throw, how to play, and how to love the game of ultimate.

Join the Google Group below to stay current on game times, cancellations, and field changes.


See you out there!

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Arundel Ultimate

Contact: Dave Ritchie
Website: http://www.arundelultimate.com/

Saturdays: 2:00pm

Fields: Grass
Description: Arundel Ultimate is a friendly pickup game where players of all skill levels are welcome. The game is played at Arundel Sr. High school. on the practice fields in front of the school. During soccer season when the front fields are in use, we play on the fields in the rear of the school.

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APL Ultimate - Monday

Contact: Brian Hull
Website: https://goo.gl/JhyHL5

Mondays: 5 PM - 7 PM

Fields: Grass
Description: Update 11/15/2024: Currently at the lighted fields at JHU-APL (Field Location C). The season will continue as long as people keep showing up. Subscribe to the email list for announcements about field locations, weather
/holiday cancellations, and the end of season date.

Game Notes: All skill levels (inexperienced to veteran) and ages (including kids) are welcome. The game is free. The library adjacent to the fields has toilets. The JHU-APL field has portable toilets.

Field Location A:
Lake Elkhorn Middle School. Fields closest to the library.
6680 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045

Field Location B:
Fields behind the East Columbia Library. There are 3 fields (upper, middle, and lower). We're usually at the lower field.
6600 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD 21045

Field Location C:
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL) Softball Field
Approximate street address: 7243 Sanner Rd Clarksville, MD 21029 (Use the APL Shipping & Receiving entrance)
39.17404818365987, -76.8982428906836

Our games start as soon as we have enough people to start playing. If you don't see anyone at 5:00, wait a minute or two. Bring a white and a dark colored shirt and a water bottle.

2024 Season: Starting Date 4/8. We'll play until it gets too cold or people stop showing up. Usually that happens in late November or December.

Email bwhull at yahoo dot com for questions.

To join the Google Group email list go to https://groups.google.com/g/apl-ultimate/members. We use the Google Group to post messages about start/end date, game location updates, game status, holiday cancellations, general announcements, and weather updates.

Game Info: https://goo.gl/JhyHL5

Disclaimer: The game is not affiliated with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL). Everyone is welcome.

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Bel Air Ultimate

Contact: Nick Hamann
Website: https://linktr.ee/belair.ultimate

Sundays: 2 pm

Fields: Usually grass but sometimes turf
Description: This mixed pickup group was started in 2020 and still plays almost every Sunday at 2 pm. We have a range of skill sets with our regular players from beginner pickup to club level.

We have a fun but competitive atmosphere. We don't run vert stack but we often try to hold a force and we do play (for the most part) by all the rules of ultimate as laid out by USA Ultimate. Our age range averages in the 20-40 range but we have several players older and some younger than that range.

For more information, to make sure we are still playing at Southampton Middle School, and to get a sneak peek of some highlights from our games, check out our Instagram and YouTube channel.

Instagram: @belair.ultimate
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@belair.ultimate
Facebook: www.facebook.com/official.belair.ultimate

Disclaimer: This is a different group than the group that used to play at Bel Air Middle.

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Sunday Greenbelt Ultimate

Contact: Tom Jones
Website: http://spril.com/ultimate
Mailing List: http://spril.com/ultimate

Sundays: 3:00pm

Fields: Grassy field in a park surrounded by forest preserve
Description: We're a friendly game! Beginners welcome. We play as early as 3pm in winter and as late as 6pm in summer, and our games are weather-dependent. Check our website for the current time.

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Nolte Park Ultimate

Contact: Asher Newsome
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nolteultimate

Sundays: 10:30 am

Fields: grass
Description: Experienced but casual, friendly, and welcoming coed pickup. We play Sundays year-round as long as there is no lightning. 7 vs 7 with subs, last back calls, white vs. dark shirts. Play lasts a good two hours or more. The game has been active for over 15 years.

Nolte Local Park, 200 Denver Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20910

No need to check Facebook: the game is *always* on, in all weather except lightning.

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Hyattsville Ultimate

Contact: Jarrod Bailey
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HyattsvilleUltimate

Tuesdays: 5pm
Thursdays: 5pm
Saturdays: 12pm

Fields: Grass
Description: Join us in Hyattsville!
We play at Driskell Park (formerly Magruder Park) every Saturday at 12pm and every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm. In the winter we play with lights. The GPS address is 3911 Hamilton Street, Hyattsville, MD.

On Facebook we post game recaps, usually with video highlights; cancellation notices due to inclement weather; and invitations for social gatherings.

We play coed pickup year round outdoors on grass. We play 7v7s with subs via “last back.” Our player skill levels include people who have never played before and also people who are on college teams.

We do not require a set number of women per team, so female players choose for themselves whether to play across or side-by-side. We do not automatically matchup “gender across,” but instead allow everyone on defense to pick their matchups before the pull.

We encourage everyone to always avoid contact, even if you can get to the disc first. And if you drop a pull it’s not a turnover; instead we suggest doing a cartwheel as penance. ???? To speed up play we don’t enforce onsides rules on the pull, but otherwise we use the USA Ultimate rule set.

We currently play on a lined official USA Ultimate size playing field, but with 15 yard deep end-zones instead of 20 yards. We play using Discraft Ultra-Star 175 gram discs.

We encourage everyone to wear WHITE or DARK shirts to split up teams; grays are frowned upon. We have an online clothing store for anyone who wants Hyattsville Ultimate apparel, which will facilitate us fielding teams at tournaments.

There is a public restroom and a water bottle filling station at the park. The water bottle filling station is turned off in the winter.

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Silver Spring Rec Center Pickup

Contact: Amy Sands
Phone: 240.643.1494
Mailing List:

Fridays: 7-9am

Fields: Indoor
Description: Welcome! We play 4v4 indoor pickup at the new gymnasium at the Silver Spring Recreation and Aquatic Center at 1319 Apple Avenue.

More information about the facility is available at https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/rec/facilities/recreationcenters/silverspring.html

Our pickup game is Friday from 7-9am. We have a range of experience levels and value everyone being able to participate in the game and find the level of challenge they're seeking. All skill levels are welcome, and the purpose is to get a morning workout with fellow ultimate lovers.

An automated e-mail goes out every Monday morning at 9am asking how many people are willing to play on Friday. If a quorum of 8 people is reached, then a confirmation e-mail will be sent out at 7:30pm on Thursday saying game on.

Be sure to adjust your e-mail preferences once you join so that you get all the e-mails instead of one summary e-mail. You may have to add the group email to your address book to avoid the messages going to spam.

Please remember to reply to the automated e-mails if you are going to play. If not enough responses are received the game will be cancelled for that day.

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Blueberry Hill Ultimate Frisbee (Gaithersburg/Rockville/Derwood)

Website: https://groups.google.com/g/blueberryhillultimatefrisbee
Mailing List: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Eyofdvs9fkcClgy1fgduWd

Sundays: 9:30am-11:30am

Fields: Grass

Welcome to Blueberry Hill Ultimate Frisbee in Derwood/Gaithersburg, Maryland

Who we are: We are a laid back & casual pickup Ultimate Frisbee group. We emphasize good sportsmanship, sharing the disc with everyone, and safety. We won't tolerate risky plays, unwarranted criticism, or general bad behavior.

Who is welcome: We welcome all players of skills, experience, age, and gender. Attendees under the age of 18 are welcome to play with a parent or legal guardian.

How we play: We play typical Ultimate Frisbee rules but we don't run any set offenses/defenses, rarely call picks or poaches or traveling. If none of this makes sense to you, then you're a right fit for our group. If you are completely new to the sport, we are happy to teach you the basics.

When we play: We gather Sunday mornings at 9:30am all year long. We will have extra Thursday games in the summer. In the event we need to change the time and location we will post an update here.

Where we play: Blueberry Hill Park is our home field, but may pivot to neighboring fields if the conditions are unsuitable. We will post an update here if we switch fields. We always keep our games within the Rockville/Gaithersburg area.

You may be asked to switch teams to ensure balance in the level of play. Make sure to bring a white and dark shirt..

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Petworth Pickup

Contact: Nicole
Mailing List:

Sundays: 9-11:30am

Fields: Turf
Description: Friendly weekly pickup game, played every Sunday morning 9-11:30am. A mix of beginner, rec, club and college players - all are welcome. Entrance to the field is at 7th and Allison St NW.

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Rockville ultimate

Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/rockultimate

Saturdays: 10:00am

Description: See Google Group for location.

We get good turnout of 7v7 + subs year round. Play is mid level. Bring a white and a dark shirt (no light colors or grey), & disc.

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Bethesda MD Ultimate

Contact: Justin V

Sundays: 9:30am Spring Summer, Fall 11am Winter

Fields: Grass
Description: Looking for a fun way to spend your Sunday mornings? Come join our friendly Ultimate pickup game every Sunday at 9:30 AM at Altavista/Maplewood Park in Bethesda, MD.


When: Every Sunday at 9:30 AM in Spring, Summer, Fall. 11:00 AM in Winter
Where: Altavista/Maplewood Park, Bethesda, MD
What to Bring:
A white shirt and a dark shirt
Cleats (if you have them)
Water (stay hydrated!)
This game is open to all ages and skill levels, from seasoned club players to those who are just learning to throw. Whether you play club or are just learning to throw, we welcome you to come out, have fun, and enjoy the spirit of Ultimate.

This game is over 15 years old and offers a very welcoming environment to enjoy a game.

See you on the field!

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Fernwood Ultimate

Contact: Dan Nunes
Website: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/fernwood-ultimate
Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/fernwood-ultimate

Mondays: 6:20-7:20am, noon-1pm
Tuesdays: 6:20-7:20am, noon-1pm
Wednesdays: 6:20-7:20am, noon-1pm
Thursdays: 6:30-7:30am, noon-1pm
Fridays: 6:20-7:20am, noon-1pm

Fields: Grass
Description: We play 6:20am-7:20am during the summers and noon-1pm year round at Stratton Park in Bethesda, or Timberlawn Park as our back-up field. We use an automated email system to call games as often as we can get 7+ players to commit, usually 3-4 games per week. Join the mailing list to be notified and sign up for games.

We play a pretty casual, friendly game with players of all ages and skill levels.

This group has 3 lists:

-general mailing list, mostly used for discussion, communications, or holiday games

-sub-group of members who are interested in playing the early morning games

-sub-group of players interested in playing the lunch hour games

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T/Th game for DC Ultimate Frisbee Meetup Group (winter location)

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/52767685377
Mailing List: https://discord.gg/hF9rmbVSV2

Tuesdays: 6pm
Thursdays: 6pm

Fields: grass
Description: Welcome to coed casual to competitive ultimate pickup! We meet at on Tuesdays/Thursdays on the Smithsonian Mall panels around Hirshhorn during daylight savings time and Randall Fields in the winter time. Please check on discord under weekday-spectacular-hammers-only channel for the roll call of each game and the the specific panel we will play at: https://discord.gg/dYeqnxck2u (ask on the Facebook group or email for updated discord link if expired).

Currently in 2024, the possibility of this happening is a bit sparse as many previous regulars have had other commitments. Feel free to call for a game on discord yourself as this game needs more lead organizers.

Bring a WHITE and DARK shirt, Water, cleats, and positivity.

This is an offshoot of the Saturday game by the Washington monument (organized on Facebook). From the Mission statement listed on Facebook:

This ultimate frisbee pickup group aims to welcome regardless of skill, race, religion, gender, etc. to interact and play together, which helps build friendships and community. Casual to Competitive means all are welcome from never played to the highest level. Everyone must be tolerant of others and their skills. Those who play at the highest level must understand that there may be new players. Involve them, try to get everyone touches. Those who are new must also understand that people can also play at a high level. Find the best example of the one who embodies the spirit of the game and not just improve, but also enjoy.

Have fun, be safe, be smart. We prioritize safe play, as well as inclusion of everyone regardless of skill, gender, etc. Spread the disc out. Get everyone involved regardless of skill, gender, etc. The best ultimate play is when everyone touches the disc to score.

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25th & M Tue - Thur Lunch

Contact: Klaus Salafsky
Mailing List:

Tuesdays: 12:30 - 1:30
Thursdays: 12:30 - 1:30

Fields: Grass
Description: Aug 2020: We are starting to play small socially distanced games. Check the mailing list to make sure game is on.

A friendly lunch-time game that has been going on for over 25 years!
We have a mix of experienced players and newbies and welcome new players.

We play Tue and Thur unless the weather is bad. Join our mailing list - 25th-and-M-ultimate@googlegroups.com - to check to make sure the game is on .

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Ultimate on the Mall

Contact: Brett
Website: http://ultimateonthemall.org

Mondays: 12 pm
Tuesdays: 12 pm
Wednesdays: 12 pm
Thursdays: 12 pm
Fridays: 12 pm

Fields: Grass
Description: We are an Ultimate pickup group that plays on the National Mall. We focus on the game, having fun, and a healthy amount of competition. When weather or closures force us to relocate, we indicate the change of location email notification. We are currently playing near the Washington Monument—likely through May—until the seasonal closure of the National Mall is lifted.

We play Monday through Friday over the noon lunch hour, except on Federal holidays or during states of emergency.

All are welcome. Please come and join us!

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Contact: Robert Schaefer
Phone: 703.217.9258
Website: http://dc-ultimate-pickup-pf@googlegroups.com
Mailing List:

Saturdays: 10:00 AM (9 AM Summer)

Fields: grass
Description: Fields near Ohio Dr. SW and West Basin Dr. SW in Washington, DC. We're either near the MLK visitor center in summer or on the softball fields behind the FDR Memorial in winter. Skill level is medium..mostly older players. We are beginner and kid friendly. We play about 2 hours starting at 10:00 AM. (9 AM summertime) We play lights and darks. Forces, stalls, forehand throws, hammers, occasional zone D. Higher level players welcome. Nice group. Not much attitude. Competitive but not angry. Exercise not injury.

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Virginia Highlands Ultimate

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/575425139259265/
Mailing List: https://www.facebook.com/groups/575425139259265/

Sundays: 11AM
Mondays: 5:30PM
Tuesdays: 5:30PM
Wednesdays: 5:30PM
Thursdays: 5:30PM
Fridays: 5:30PM
Saturdays: 11AM

Fields: Grass and turf
Description: https://www.facebook.com/groups/575425139259265/

We play pick-up Ultimate (what’s that? Read this: http://bit.ly/1Kq9zfA). Our game is mixed gender. We play up to SEVEN DAYS A WEEK (aka every day!)

Our group is based in Arlington and Alexandria, VA. We use a variety of nice natural grass and synthetic turf fields.

*** The field we play on each game depends on field availability that day, so check this group before you head out to make sure you can find the game. Confused? Please look at this model post for example: https://goo.gl/W7vM7v ***

All are welcome! Come play disc!

YOU SHOULD BRING: water, cleats, and both a white and a dark shirt.

SPRING 2017 hours:
Weekdays: 5:30 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM
Sunday: 11:00 AM

If you plan to come a little late and are curious how long the game goes, assume 2.5 hours max.

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TJ Middle School Morning Ultimate

Contact: Matt Reising
Phone: 513.476.5176

Wednesdays: 715 AM
Fridays: 715 AM

Fields: Turf
Description: Beginner friendly. We have a wide variety of skill levels from very casual players (experience limited to this game) and a few players with some Summer League or college play. We try to keep the teams balanced based on skill level and athleticism.

Wed/Fri are our current planned days, but we coordinate numbers for the games on WhatsApp the night before. Please reach out by e-mail or text and I can add to the WhatsApp group or coordinate as desired.

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Ultimate Frisbee Tuesdays

Contact: Adam Sickle
Website: https://groupme.com/join_group/61675272/kPnTfacy

Tuesdays: Varies, but usually in the 6-10 pm range

Fields: Mix of grass or turf, depending on season
Description: Definitely one of the largest groups you'll ever play with! What started as a group of a dozen people back during the COVID summer of 2020 has grown into a group chat of over 1,200! We average about 60 people and play year round, with more coming in the summer and less in the winter. We split into multiple teams with several games happening at once. We do 15 minute games with 2 minute breaks in between each. We organize via our GroupMe group chat, sharing all details for the weekly games there. We even provide water and usually have music playing on the sidelines. Open to all skill levels. Definitely one of the most community and good sportsmanship focused groups you'll find!

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Saturday in Vienna

Contact: Daniel

Saturdays: 12

Fields: Grass
Description: I’m trying to gauge interest in a Saturday morning game in the Vienna area. Please contact me if you are interested and we can work out details about time and fields. GroupMe link: https://groupme.com/join_group/104491451/Pqhqv4P1

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Easton Ultimate Frisbee

Contact: Aaron Reyes
Phone: 520.288.9840
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/618434818231178

Wednesdays: 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM
Saturdays: 10 AM to 12 PM

Fields: Grass
Description: We are a local group that has been playing for years and welcomes anyone wanting to have fun. We have all ranges of skills and are very laid back. We play a pick-up style with some calls being made that are too obvious to ignore. Bring water and light and dark and your best game. We use our Facebook page to communicate. We arrive at 10 AM and play until noon. During the Spring and Summer months, some of us play on Wednesday nights in a few locations around town.


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Reston Pickup

Contact: Dave
Phone: 541.994.7110
Website: https://groups.google.com/g/reston-ultimate-frisbee/about
Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/g/reston-ultimate-frisbee/about

Tuesdays: 6pm

Fields: Grass
Description: Welcome to Reston Ultimate Pickup, a longstanding, high-quality, weekly game. All are welcome. Join the google group for the latest updates.

Spring, Summer, Fall - 6 PM at Lake Fairfax Cricket Fields or Crossfield Elementary School on Tuesdays.

Winter games are played sometimes, at 11:00am Sundays at Crossfield Elementary starting after daylight savings time.

Scott Crossfield Elementary School
2791 Fox Mill Rd, Herndon, VA 20171

Lake Fairfax Cricket Field
1400 Lake Fairfax Dr, Reston, VA 20190

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