Games in Montreal (and around)
Website: At night (go on the Facebook link)
Mondays: At night (go on the Facebook link)
Tuesdays: At night (go on the Facebook link)
Wednesdays: At night (go on the Facebook link)
Thursdays: At night (go on the Facebook link)
Fields: Grass or Turf or Indoor (depending on the field and the season)
Description: In Montreal and around, we don't have pick-up but we have leagues. You can sub almost every night of the week for free. Go on the Facebook page and you can find a game. People will ask for subs or you can also post saying you want to play.
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Verdun chill pickup / joute amicale
Contact: Mathieu Gervais
Phone: 603.346.4635
http://egoine.orgSundays: 9am-11am
Fields: Outdoor turf
Description: ** Débuteras au printemps 2025**
** Will start in spring 2024**
Email to confirm game will happen.
(Website / group will be setup)
Beginner friendly.
All welcome.
Chill game to improve, get (back) in shape and meet people.
Écrire par courriel pour confirmer que la partie as lieu.
(Site/groupe de communication va être mis en place).
Pickup relax.
Tous bienvenus.
Joute amicale pour s’améliorer, se (re)mettre en forme et rencontrer des gens.
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