Rochester NY Pickup
Contact: Joel Shore
Phone: 585.747.7881
Website: List: 6:00PM
Fields: grass (or snow!)
Description: In Rochester, we play pickup outdoors year-around at least one day a week but location and times vary. Please check the website for details; the e-mail mailing list given should have the most up-to-date information.
As of early September 2024, pickup is currently Monday at 6:0pm in Cobbs Hill Park. (We will, of course, have to move the start time up somewhat as we lose light.) Our first choice will be the Culver Rd. Field (on the southeast corner of Culver and Norris Rds) with the Tay House Field (behind the school on Hillside Dr) or the outfields of the softball fields that lie between Norris Rd and I-490 as backups if the Culver Rd field is taken (or too muddy or icy).
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