Fri, 29 Nov 2024 11:04:25 -0500 - Milwaukee, WI Local pickup ultimate games for Milwaukee, WI. HouSE Ultimate (Open Club) 42.5847425000 -87.8211854000 HouSE Ultimate (Open Club)

Contact: David Ashmore

Wednesdays: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Cost: There is a club fee
Fields: Grass - Location TBH, check FB for updated INFO
Description: This club team was started mainly with the combination of UW-Parkside ultimate and other players who live in the Kenosha/Racine area who attend other colleges during the school year. Kevin Pettit-Scantling (plays for the Radicals) and David Ashmore started the team in 2015. KPS's dream was always to have HouSE be the bridge between Milwaukee and Chicago ultimate. To draw talent from the North side of Chi and South side of MKE. HouSE is looking to build a program of success with young guys that have great spirit and love for the game.

Club tryouts start in May, feel free to email David or join the house tryout page to get in contact with the captains.

The pick up group that meets out of Kenosha, plays monday nights. See link here.
