Tue, 05 Nov 2024 11:30:30 -0500 PickupUltimate.com - Tampa, FL https://pickupultimate.com/map/city/tampa Local pickup ultimate games for Tampa, FL. Lassing Park https://pickupultimate.com/games/lassing 27.7493274000 -82.6299531000 Lassing Park

Contact: Kason Kedersha
Email: kckyall@hotmail.com
Phone: 727.902.9525
Website: https://facebook.com/groups/276689742471891/

Sundays: 2:00 PM

Fields: Grass
Description: What: Ultimate frisbee pickup, bring a white and a dark shirt, we pick teams and play to 7, some people wear cleats, some people play barefoot, and we usually have anywhere from 5-5 to 7-7 with a sub or 2.

Where: Lassing Park (1901-1999 Beach Dr SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33705)

When: Every Sunday from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Who: Anyone and everyone, skill levels from beginner to expert

Why: Get some good exercise and have some fun at the most beautiful pickup location in St Pete :)
