Fields: Eleanor Tinsley Park and Discovery Green. Grass fields, no cleats. Description: Hello!
We're a group that has been playing lunchtime ultimate in downtown Houston for over a decade. We welcome all players of all skill or age ranges. We have players who've never played organized ultimate to players who have played club level and players in their early 20's all the way to mid 60's.
Our core philosophy is to get outside during the workday, get some exercise, and have fun. We have competitive spirits but we focus on making sure people can come back to play again tomorrow. We avoid risky contact to prevent injuries and we limit arguments about foul calls. We only have an hour and we'd like to spend it playing.
We have good relationships with the field maintenance crews, who graciously allow us play on their privately owned fields. Their only request is that we don't wear cleats to help preserve the grass.
If you're interested, or have any questions, please reach out!