Hickory Ultimate Frisbee
Contact: Hazard McGregor
http://www.hickoryultimate.comSundays: 5-7pm
Tuesdays: 7-9pm
Fields: Grass Fields
Description: Welcome to Hickory Ultimate! We're a group of folks that love the game of ultimate. Some of us come out to run around and burn some calories, others are a bit more competitive, while others just want to throw egregious hammers.
All skill levels are welcome. New player or veteran, c'mon out.
Our games times can change or we may cancel pickup due to inclement weather or a lack of numbers. Also, we tend to play on Sundays at the Hickory YMCA and Tuesday night at a Hickory park (park changes based on field availability).
For the latest info, join our Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/HickoryUltimate) or e-mail HickoryUltimate@gmail.com
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