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Reno Saturday pickup

Contact: Reno Ultimate Frisbee Facebook
Website: http://Tmupa.org

Saturdays: 10 AM April-October 2 PM November-March

Fields: Grass
Description: All skill levels welcome. Don’t be surprised if people are not right on time. If field is occupied by official Reno high events check Reno Ultimate Frisbee Facebook group for alternate field locations.

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South Reno noontime pickup

Contact: David Shen
Phone: 775.357.7451
Website: facebook: south reno ultimate pickup
Mailing List: join south-reno-ultimate@googlegroups.com if you use gmail

Mondays: 12 to 1
Tuesdays: 12 to 1
Wednesdays: 12 to 1
Thursdays: 12 to 1
Fridays: 12 to 1
Saturdays: 10 to whenever after Memorial Day, 2 to whenever after Halloween, Reno High

Fields: grass
Description: Beginner friendly; starts on time, 12 to 1. Location usually is Crystal Lake Park. Participants sign up from an email list and when we have 8, the game is On. To get on the list, join south-reno-ultimate@googlegroups.com. Saturday games don't have a sign-up. For Saturday, Facebook group 'Reno Ultimate Frisbee' might have information. Saturday begins meeting at 10 after Memorial Day and at 2 after Halloween, usually at Reno High, Booth St.

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South Lake Tahoe Pickup Ultimate/Goaltimate

Contact: Maria Dumanis
Website: https://facebook.com/groups/764838182026469/

Wednesdays: 5:00PM

Fields: Grass
Description: South Lake Tahoe Pickup Ultimate is held weekly during daylight savings time. Field location changes based on the time of year and pitch availability. Games are held at the South Lake Tahoe Community Fields, Kahle Park, and Zephyr Elementary. Check the FACEBOOK page weekly for game updates. We'll be back in the spring... Or in the snow, if we have quorum!

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